Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wake Up and Let's Get Real

I have started this blog to help young (and old) people get ahead in life.  I am not yet retired, however, I do see what may keep many people from moving ahead.  Don't get me wrong.  We are in troubling times. But I must say that we have always had troubling times throughout the history of our country. The key is to assess what is going on not only in our country, but also in our world.  I was surprised to read that Americans know much less about what is happening in other countries than other countries know about us.Yet we are the first to fight abroad.  America is the leader in the global world, but as the good book says"know the conditions of your flock, pay attention to your herds, for riches do not endure forever and a crown is not secured for all mankind."  This ancient warning was written thousands of years ago and it still hold true today. 

What can we do about it?  Surprising as it is that we have more than enough information, yet we are still ignorant in so many areas.  It is a suction that we all have to fight to avoid.  The suction of complacency, not knowing what to do with the information we know, and feeling helpless in a rich world. Starving in the land of plenty.  In other words, we feel everyone else is having fun (or at least they pretend to). Perhaps we are obsessed  with looking good when we really need a call to wake up and smell the coffee. Perhaps we have indeed become the emperor in the book The Emperor's New Clothes  -which are no clothes at all!

What is needed is a life of wisdom-and what is that?  Do we have to wait until we have grayed (some have, prematurely, and some have the gray and not the wisdom) to get this wisdom to show us how to live?  Do we have to keep reading to get it? Will it change our situation anyway? All of these are things to consider, but the good book also says too much study wearies the body.  No, we must make the determination that we will find out from the one who created us just who we are.  Not an easy task but a noble one.  This is what the people of old did when they created civilizations and were called to defend them.  When they lost focus as to who they were, they lost their empires.  Now, who you are should never be defended by arrogance, superiority and just plain burying your head in the sand.

When you know who you are then you know that no man is an island, that we depend on each other and that the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence, the grass is greener where it is watered. 

Today, we are the biggest threat to our own existence because as the old sage in the Broadway Musical "Lion King" said to Simba, "You do not know who you are."  I can tell you this, that when you do find out, you will be so surprised and overjoyed, you will run back with all your might to begin again. 

We will end today with that statement. What are your thoughts?  We will resume next time.

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